Monday, May 19, 2008

A New Week

Today is Monday...
Why is it good or bad the weekends always go by too quickly?

We woke up to more vomit from Zach. This is the 11th - yes, the 11th day in a row of vomit. He is also starting to have much more diarrhea - sometimes with the vomit and other times just on its own.

I put him on the scale which read 18lbs - I only put him on it once and it takes 3-4 readings to get the right weight, with the first always being the highest of the times. I know, I know I really need a new scale. I didn't want to force Zach on it again (he hates it), and I didn't want to see anything less.

I called our Doctor and told her what is happening. I'm taking him in for a weight check on their scale and then straight to the hospital for an abdominal x-ray. She is getting worried that there may be some type of obstruction happening. AND of course it will be a day or two before we get the test back.

I also called the GI and asked to be put on a list in case someone cancels - maybe we can get in sooner then June 2nd. My fingers are crossed. I know his appointment isn't very far away, but what if the vomiting doesn't stop - that would be 14 more days. TOO long in this situation - if you ask me.

AGAIN with the waiting.... I hate waiting!

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