Saturday, May 3, 2008

Another Awful Day

What an AWFUL beginning to what was going to be a nice, fun, relaxing weekend....

Our day started out fun - Zoe woke up first and came to get Doug and I. We all played a little game of guess what Zoe wants to do for the day. She complained a little about her throat, but not too much. Zach woke up not much latter. We were all treated to Daddy making us breakfast -- YUM scrambled eggs, toast, coffee for Mommy and Daddy, OJ for the kids.

Zach laid down for his nap at 11ish and I was going to pack to see if we could head to the beach for just a little while to get some fresh air and sun. That never happened -- Zach woke up screaming. A nap is never done if he is screaming -- something was wrong ----- YES, SOMETHING was very wrong, he had a fever of 104.5. I tried so hard to calm him, he wouldn't calm for anything. So instead I held a screaming/crying little boy for over 2 hours. I gave him some Tylenol and he seems to be doing okay for now - he is back in his crib for now, napping.

So much for a nice, fun, relaxing weekend. Maybe tomorrow will be better ;-)

1 comment:

KoriG said...

:-( Poor babe!!!
Hope he's better now!
I've missed you!!!!