Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 11 Day 2

Therapy went well again today. Again we spent our OT session in "the BIG yellow room". Today Zach didn't wear the weighted vest and still had a great session. It was an early session for all of us and I thought the timing was really good. Enough time to wake up, have breakfast, play, and get out the door. ST immediately followed but we moved into a small room that Zach normally does okay in.

OT: Zach was practically bouncing off the walls from one thing to another but it wasn't lack of focus. He was so happy, and very animated - I can't count how many times he had Ms. Jerry laughing at him. He was very brave and did some things he normally hates to do - but today he did them with confidence we haven't seen before.

ST: Zach was still very hyper and played with one toy the whole 1/2 hour (never in almost 3 months has this happened). It was a giant peek-a-block fun cube with a bunch of peek-a-blocks. He was sure having fun and his focus was so good it didn't leave the blocks until the very end. Oh, and thanks to Ms. Kristin he now knows what it means to be a destructive boy. She had him hitting the blocks down as he was stacking them and boy were they flying across the room!

At the end of both sessions he had a somewhat hard time with transition - but I think it was only because he was having such a good time today.

I'm supposed to be looking into a bunch of new therapy things to be using at home with him, right now the main things are a weighted vest, blanket, toy, and an oral massage brush. The web-sites are filled with so much (even some great ideas for Zoe) I'm enjoying looking threw all of the sites. Here are 2 links if anyone is interested....

His OT and I also had a conversation about removing some foods from his diet. Many of you know that I've been contemplating going gluten free for a while now, I feel safe doing so now that his tests are back, but still want to discuss further with his Doctors. Ms. Jerry would really like me to take out

Passion Fruit

I find it interesting wheat is also on this list. She wants me to do so because of the history of latex allergy with Zoe (sounds funny I know) but the thinking is it is worth a try to see if it helps him in anyway. She wants to start here and then move to a completely gluten free casein free (GFCF) Zach is already casein free (has been his whole life) already is because of his sever milk allergy - yes we even need an epi-pen for his reactions to anything with casein and whey.

Two more weeks and we will be on our way to see the Geneticist, Nutritionist, and GI! To think when I got the appointments it seemed so far away!

1 comment:

KoriG said...

Wahoo for another great therapy day!
I'm so glad he's turned back into the Zach-man you've known!
Interesting about the eliminations from his diet. Other than the wheat, does he really eat a lot of those things on a regular basis?
Should be interesting to say the least! Hope it helps in some way!