Monday, January 4, 2010

The Start of the Appointments

Today is really the start of the new year for us.
Kids are back to school, husband is back to work, the house is quiet as Otis and I get some rest to gather our sanity at least for a couple hours today.

Today is Zach's first appointment of the new year (his dietitian). To be honest I'm really not looking forward to taking him in. Since school started his feeding schedule has varied so much that most times he wasn't getting all he needed in. The fits were many, he was sick, the refusal to feed on his pump was there, the tears were there, the screams were has just been rough! Over break I was able to try to change things around for him in hopes of making it easier now that he is in school -- a schedule that he will be able to keep in or out of school, something that I hope will work for all of us. He is such a stickler with his schedule and how things work. I have to admit I'm a bit worried to see where his weight is, my fingers are crossed he has at least maintained.

Zach also gets back on his therapy schedule again today.........2 weeks off really sends the little man for a loop. I was talking with him this morning and said we get to go see Miss Andrea today and his smile lit up the whole room with a "I dit dee Miss Andrea!" and a giggle.

Let's hope that going back to school and the appointment and the therapy all do him some good today and don't throw him too far off the edge.....I really don't want a crabby, non talking child this afternoon.

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