Saturday, June 28, 2008


Last night was Zoe's second dress rehearsal (3rd practice this week), the night before was pre-dancers only - Zoe is a pre-dancer but she is also in Jazz 1 and even though she is 5 the Jazz 1 kids are considered to be part of the big kids. Oh, the Joy of sitting through 3 practices - last night was 4 hours long. My best friend and her little boy came to watch Zoe since she will not be able to get to the recital today.

Here are pictures Kori took from Zoe's warm up. Zoe did great, kept up with the big girls and everything!

1 comment:

KoriG said...

Zoe did great, phhhthththt!
She did AWESOME!
I swear, in 10 years, she's gonna be the one teaching the classes and performing in 8 or 9 dances per recital!!
She's a natural girl, and you know it!
Glad you like the photos :-)