Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Puzzle Pieces....

....the more you put together the quicker the puzzle should be solved......not in our case.........

Yesterday we received some news on Zachary's test - for the most part there were good things,
Blood work = normal
Urinalysis = normal
Ultrasound = normal
Biopsies = normal

Somewhat iffy news....
Urine culture: showed two different types of bacteria growing in it.

Really bad news....
Nuclear medicine emptying scan = abnormal (normal range is less then 84 minutes; Zach's stomach didn't empty until 119.48 minutes - the test was only 120 minutes long)

Zach has officially been diagnosed with Gastroparesis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastroparesis)

As for right now I'm unsure of what will be done, the Dr wants to discuss treatment options face to face and make a decision in July (we were put on a wait list to move the appointment up).

The Dr told the nurse to let me know that "Gastroparesis is not commonly found in FTT" so to me, that means this doesn't solve why Zach is FTT. It also sounds as if there are steps to helping him (although there is no cure, and we may never find out the cause) but because of his FTT they don't sound like good options for us - dietary changes, basically taking fats out of his diet (HA! he would be so incredibly small without fats), also there are medicines that they can use, but it is very common (I believe the nurse actually used the words "they will cause") that they cause extra BM's and Zach already goes upwards of 8 times a day - again not a very good option to have for a FTT patient. I am very worried I am going to hear the words "jejunostomy tube" --considering when we first saw the Dr and gastroparesis was suspected he didn't want to discuss treatment until he was 100% sure since the treatment can be very over whelming, and he did not want to cause unnecessary worry. As much as a feeding tube sounds awful, I have to say...it could really benefit Zach. My concerns over it are being pushed to the side, if it means Zach will be getting what he needs from foods.

Of course I really don't know too much about this whole thing....All I know is we've found another puzzle piece.....


Jessica said...

I'm not sure what to say at this moment, but I'm thinking and praying for your family.

Emily said...

I'm sorry you're going through this. There's a really great forum called parent-2-parent that has a section for "motility disorders" at http://www.parent-2-parent.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=66

There's also a great tube feeding section at http://www.parent-2-parent.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=8

I did a ton of reading there when I thought Nils was headed towards a g-tube.
