Thursday, July 23, 2009

Decisions....Decisions....4 More Days

Last night I spent time looking for an Out of Zone waiver for Zachary.
I need a pros and cons list on this one as it is a big decision to make if all goes as planed on Monday. I'm not a very good decision maker.

Zoned School
Zach knows and has worked with the SLP.
The teacher is also a certified SLP.
He will have transportation - meaning I don't need to figure out how to be in 2 places at once because Zoe will be at a different school and the kids start/end at the same times.

The school is further away.
The school only has one nurse - and Zach must have a nurse to administer feeds and in case of emergency - so with only one nurse I'm worried about the help he will get.
Even with transportation I don't feel comfortable because the bus travels by highway.
Last year when trying to see the different pre-k programs - this school was not accommodating to making an appointment --- therefore we never saw it.

Out of Zone School
We know his teacher, so Zach will not need as much time to adjust to her.
There are 3 nurses on staff -- this means I don't have to worry because one is dedicated just to ESE and if she isn't available to help there are 2 more to help.
The school is closer and no driving on the highway.

We lose transportation - so mommy has to drive which also leads to......
The worry of being in 2 places at one time. ----
BUT on the Pro side of this I think that Zoe would be able to come home with a friend and Doug can either take Zach to school OR Zoe to the bus in the mornings.

At either school I think he will be in good hands and learning a great deal -- BOTH schools are excellent schools.....both schools are A rated and both have recently won awards.

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