Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One of Those Days

Zach had ST at 9:00am today and it was a rough session. He was having a hard time regulating himself today and was either below where he had to be or well above - which made the talking so very hard for him.

I have to admit, I got that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and my eyes teared up at one point.

Zach was playing with peek-a-blocks and one of them had a box with a puppy/dog inside. Kristin was trying to get him to say either word without telling him herself. Both are words he knows but can't say properly. He knows what a puppy/dog is....he has for a while.....he's said them before in his own unique way. Zach COULD NOT say what it was....this shouldn't be a surprise after all he is dyspraxic, but for some reason watching the struggle today was awful. He did this with a couple other objects he knows as well....maybe that is what made it all the harder to see.

But on the other hand...I was given a smile and a laugh with his silly little antics - Kristen wanted him to say cow (this normally comes out dow) but he is working on his "ca" sound with finger prompts so today it came out "ca-moo" He smiled at me and was so proud of himself getting out the "ca" is not an easy feet for him.

1 comment:

Annette W. said...

I hear you with some rough therapy sessions. Sometimes the words are just no where attainable with our little dyspraxic children, huh?

Ca-moo is adorable! Meghan doesn't even attempt animal names, but I hope she will soon with all the words she has been saying. This weekend she said puh-pah for grandpa and eventually said gamah for grandma! And Donna (great aunt) was fairly clear some of the time. :)