Sunday, December 21, 2008

Newest Evaluation

These are the scores Zach got from his evaluation with the SLP that came to our home.

Receptive Language: 15 month old
Expressive Language: 12 month old
Total Language: 14 month old
Zach's Real Age: 27 Months old
13 Month difference YIKES

I would beg to differ with the receptive language score, so would his other therapist that he sees.
Anyway these are his newest scores.
Feels lousy to read them but hey they are better then when he started ST 19 months ago so I guess there is a positive.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I want to share with you what a blogger shared with me when I was having these exact same thoughts. It seems to fit for you too:

Look, hang in there. What you are seeing IS extremely tough. Unfortunately, I know exactly what you are going through.

If you are seeing progress, you are seeing progress. It just means he isn't making progress on a scale.

I think it is very important to remember that your son isn't a regular kid. A scale can't measure where he is exactly. It is also important to remember that you need to use the IEP as a baseline. It hurts that it is all there in black and white. But when he overcomes one of the objectives/goals. Another will replace it.

Our kids are behind the 8 ball. The fact that they have to have an IEP is a reality punch in the stomach. But the question you have ask is - do the teachers, administrators and therapists care to help Wes get to the next set of objectives. Are they engaged? If so, then you move on. That's all we can all do in our situation.

I said it in a blog posting last week. Demetrius isn't on grade level with his reading. But he loves books. Which would I rather have? I want him to love reading. I don't care if he gets there at 8 or at 10 - I just care that he eventually gets as far as he can go, at the pace he can best go at.

You'll never be numb to it. And tears are okay, but understand that you can't move a mountain in a day - and having our autistic kids is moving very big mountains. Keep going forward - that is all you can do.

And give yourself a break. For you and Wes. You aren't going to solve anything over night, you are going to make it better over time. Why do I know this? Because you care!
