It finally came - the day we had been waiting for - the day we had our follow up with the DP.
We walked in - Doug, Zach, and I. I'd like to say we were all a bundle of nerves but I think Zach was just Zach (so easy going, didn't know what was happening) The first thing that was said to us is "You will not hear anything bad today, you will not hear anything you already didn't know"
As we sat we were handed a report. An 8 page report that we went over in great detail. Most was information we had given to the Dr 2 weeks ago. The rest was his findings.......
Neurodevelopmental diagnoses:
A. Developmental Language Disorder Expressive -- there is a clear dissociation between the Expressive Language and the Receptive Language, All developmental domains with the exception of EL are in a typical range for age. (His Expressive Language Assessment put him at 14 months)
B. Dyspraxia ( Within the DLD-EL there is a clear dyspraxic picture present, independent of other diagnoses
C. Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ruled out. Zach is not manifesting signs/symptoms of Autism.
D. Hypotonia (a long paragraph with info I'm not even sure I understand)
E. Fragile Child Syndrome - basically we baby him too much and that a child who has issues still needs to be treated like an average child that is the same age. (but who wouldn't he looks and acts like a 1 year old)
While we were there, Zach's size also came into play - the DP is very worried about his size. We know Zach is small, we see it at every Dr we go to when they plot it on his chart, we see it everyday at home or around other children - BUT the way the DP put in on paper tells the whole story..........
Weight <2%; 50% for 12 months
Height 2%; 50% for 15 months
While we were there - he had a geneticist come in and look at Zach - he said "I think it could be Russell Silver Syndrome" is the same thing I asked our ped about months ago, the same thing she said was the only thing that really fit Zach. Right now we are waiting on hearing back from our geneticist so that he can be tested.
Overall I am happy with how the appointment went - we have 8 pages of good, solid information, diagnoses, and referrals. I received so much more wealth of information then I could have hoped for.
The DP normally sees kids back in 1 year but wants to see Zachary in 6 months. I hope when we see him then I can write about more good things.