Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, Monday, Tuesday

Well I'll start with last Friday....

Last Friday was going to be a good day - I need a good day, but it wasn't.
Last Friday was a weight check with Zachary's dietitian.
Last Friday I was convinced my son had gained more weight.
Last Friday I was disappointed.
Last Friday I found out that Zach is six weeks had only gained 1 and a 1/2 ounces.
Last Friday the good news was he had gained about an inch in height.
Last Friday I heard "good he gained a little height but not so good on the weight. With the amount of height he had grown she said there should have been more weight gain".
Last Friday my son's calorie intake from his tubie went from 60%-80%.
Last Friday the Dr wasn't there to talk to.
Last Friday we really needed the Doctor to be in his office.
Last Friday I realized my son isn't doing as well as I had hoped for. Zach is sick and we don't know why.

Monday came and right at 9am the phone rings - our dietitian was able to speak with our doctor.
On Monday I heard he needs to be seen this week ASAP.
On Monday I was told my son will undergo more tests, more biopsies.
On Monday I was sad.

Today is Tuesday and it was our first meeting to transition Zachary from EI to ESE.
Today, Tuesday was a better day then I thought it would be.
Today, Tuesday I found out we need to wait to get into a summer clinic for more evaluations to be done on Zach to determine service he will receive.
Today, Tuesday I have hope for Zach's future - that myself and my husband have found a good set of people to help our son get the most out of his education that he can.
Today, Tuesday I have hope one day we will mainstream our son.

Tomorrow is another day - hopefully a good one!

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