Monday, August 17, 2009

In One Week......

In one week my baby girl will be in first grade.
In one week my little boy will be starting school and in the ESE Pre-K.
In one week I will be putting both my kids onto the bus with a kiss and a hug.
In one week the buses will leave and I will have tears.
In one week they will be away from me for a full day.
In one week they will be away from each other in different schools.
In one week my hope is they will be having fun.
In one week my house will be quiet.
In one week I may just need to sit by the pool and relax, take a deep breath and breathe knowing...................
In one week I will be kid free during the day time.
What will I do with all this time that is fast approaching me in one week?!?!?


Annette W. said...

WOW! That's a lot to happen.

Molly said...

re: what to do with your free time, I'm sure it'll come to you :).