Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Wow I've been really bad with keeping up with my blog lately. I guess that is what having one kid out of school will do to a Mom ;-)

Happy New Year everyone -- a week late.

Zoe is back in school and happy to be there. Doug is back at work from his nice mini vacation because of how the holidays fell. Zach and Mom are slowly getting back into their weekly routine after being out of therapy for 2 weeks.

Today I'm a little divided on 2 topics one is about a new puppy and the other is of course about who this blog was intended to be written about. So I will stick with the other....

It is that old saying "One step forward two steps back" Except right now I'm feeling like we are falling behind by leaps and bounds. Over Zach's 2 week break from therapy he had some good days and he had some bad days. He is doing better with his talking but much much worse with his SPD.

Today at therapy his OT told me "I would really like to write a book about Zachary, to help other therapists deal with other children like him."

I don't know how to take that. I would not be opposed to a book being written about my son to help other children.

I am a little heartbroken - from those words I took - "Your son has a lot of issues"

Of course I also got - "You son can help others"

I don't know right now.

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